Friday, January 21, 2011

Swimming Out Into The Wide Blue Ocean

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.


Well, this is kind of it. The site will be here, so if we come up with a truly brilliant strip, we'll pop it up.  But our 5 years of regular updates have come to an end. A big thank you to all our readers - the site couldn't have lasted as long as it has without you. This is the most fully-realised project we've ever worked on and gives us pride in our innards. Look out for new projects from Durston & Baumber, together or individually. And we'll do the same for you.  (Especially you, Anonymous.) Peace.


  1. How sad to see Benson and company go!
    I hope we get a glimpse of their lives every now and then...
    I'll miss them all...particularly Brenda.


    Your comic strip is the only reason why I even have a computer...

    Seriously. This hurts dudes. =(

    (and, yes, that last statement is true by both meanings...)

  3. Aw, that's sweet, guys. The comics will miss you too! Retired comics are notorious for getting nostalgic, so expect tearful phone calls from them in the near future where they ask you if you still love them, if you really still love them.

  4. Sad day!!! I love these!!
