Wednesday, April 5, 2006



  1. i raise my cup of tea to you

  2. The empty cup of tea you spilt all over yourself when reading this drivel

  3. Benston (uncle of your kidney infection)April 12, 2006 at 11:14 PM

    Logically - an empty cup of tea could not be spilt over oneself. Unless of course you live in some alternate reality where basic laws of spacetime are superceded by the fact that you are a huge dumb-ass.

    Then again - buddha said - With our thoughts we create the universe - therefore your universe must consist of very little apart from a weird empty yet spilling cup of tea - how horrific, yet worthy of a crap art film.

    Anonymous, I raise my cup of drivel to you. May you trip over violently and startle a nearby mammal.

  4. If all the contents is spilled then could the cup be called anything but empty? At what point does it cease being a cup of tea?

    Could you please tell me who violently is so I will know who to trip over?

    Should violently suffer for one quality cartoon, such as this?
