Friday, April 7, 2006

The cold water of truth.


  1. The imagery is straight out of leunig with none of the wit.
    Great job!

  2. That was witty anonmous! I dont know what Leunig you read, but I never found him funny. Cartoons about a man who cant find the soul of a tree which is really the planet earth never tickled me, but maybe you're right anonymous. It takes courage like yours to say what you think, even if you can't find the guts to put your name to the comment.
    I just hope that over inflated sarcasm gland of yours doesn't cause you to gain much more weight!

  3. I think we all need to realise that Benson is partly about searching for meaning. your own meaning - unlike Leunig (who I hear is a petulant try-hard eccentric) who spoon feeds you. Benson - sometimes you're crap - but other times, you kill baloons and spew confetti. Either way, for some reason I must read on.

    Benson is also partly about being mildly irritated at the same tiem as being mildly amused and mildly disturbed. Mild is the taste of today's confetti.

    I still hearken back to the days of a cute little guy committing horrendous murder and freezing the bodies of the victims, whilst cheerfully proclaiming harmless things with child like joy... but then - that's me. I'm kind a sick. Not sick like a Torana - but sick in the psychological sense.

    Anonymous, talk to the severed hand.

  4. Funny how you can not leave negative comments here. I wonder why?

    Bad anonymous, very bad !!!

    I am with anonymous these comics stink and I thought Leunig was bad.

  5. I really liked this one, perversely because it made me really think about how I'm wasting my life away in a dead end job.

    PS, I'd love to use an HTML tag, but I don't know how.
